CRS Ingeniería´s office is equipped with state-of-the-art information technology which allows us to fulfill all the requirements by our clients.
CRS Ingeniería have the relevant licenses to use the software and systems detailed below:
Vulcan 3D 8.2.
Geotechnical software package Rocscience
OpendTect, Seisee
Restoration software: GroundWiz Full Version 1.800
Free software: gvSIG 1.10, Recmin
Isatis 2017
Leapfrog Geo
In all its mining research and design projects, CRS Ingeniería uses VULCAN 3D mine planning and design software. The software supports the development of mining projects from geological aspects through to final mine planning including exploration optimization. The software features all the necessary tools to design both open pit and underground mines.
CRS Ingeniería applies Leapfrog Geo for 3D modeling of the subsoil, allowing the development of dynamic 3D models from the available information (cartography, drills, geophysics, ...). The 3D interpolation of implicit modeling Leapfrog Geo allows the creation of complex geological models in an agile way from any data set, enabling an immediate visualization of the model, the analysis of data and the search of correlations and trends. Leapfrog Geo also allows to develop and visualize in a flexible way different models on which the client can interact without having this software.
CRS Ingeniería, in order to enhance detailed geostatistical studies in the following fields: mining; environment and geochemistry, uses ISATIS 2017 software. Obtaining accurate results using geostatistics is possible thanks to the application of a methodology allowing the validation of the results in each stage of the project. The estimations made, combined with an analysis of uncertainties, allow a controlled decision in each phase of the study and a better control of the financial risk of the project
Besides this commercial software, CRS Ingeniería has self-developed tools in the fields of planning and mining operations, hydrology, hydrogeology, geological hazards and environmental risks.