Lithium Iberia company presents to the Junta de Extremadura the starting document of its lithium mine project in Cañaveral.
May 2020
The company Lithium Iberia has submitted to the Council of Ecological Transition and Sustainability of the Junta de Extremadura the Initiation Document for the construction project of a lithium mine in the town of Cañaveral in Cáceres, and an associated mining benefit plant.
CRS Ingeniería is participating in the project as a mining consultant, carrying out mining and environmental research and consulting.

CRS Ingeniería advises the investment group in the buying/selling process of Rio Narcea Recursos
March 2021
CRS Ingeniería, has advised the investment group in the buying/selling process of Rio Narcea Resources (Aguablanca Mine). The same investment group has stakes in the company Lithium Iberia, S.L. In Aguablanca Mine, there are reserves of nickel, copper, platinum and gold, materials susceptible, after treatment, to be used for the activity of battery production, that is what the new property indicates.

CRS Ingeniería will carry out the works of Site Management in the Bitorika quarry.
July 2020
In 2019, CRS Ingeniería carried out the project for urgent actions in the Bitorika quarry, and is now carrying out the works of Site Management for the urgent actions in the Bitorika quarry, located in Llodio, which will last three months .

Llodio´s City Council has awarded CRS Ingeniería the works of Site Management at Bitorika quarry.
July 2020
CRS Ingeniería has already started the works of Site Management for the urgent actions at Bitorika quarry, located in Llodio.

CRS Ingeniería awarded the tender promoted by the Junta de Andalucía, under the title: inventory, environmental diagnosis and action proposals for the improvement of the extractive industry in Andalusia
November 2019
CRS Ingeniería has been the winner of the tender presented by the Junta de Andalucía, and whose tasks will be the following: inventory, environmental diagnosis and action proposals for the improvement of the extractive industry in Andalusia.

CRS Ingeniería will attend to the third edition of the Metallic Mining Hall (MMH) in Seville
October 2019
During the 15th, 16th and 17th of October, CRS Ingeniería will be present at the III Metallic Mining Hall, that will be held at FIBES in Seville, having a booth (nº 1120), to inform the clients of the engineering and consulting services we offer.

CRS Ingeniería participates in the V Encuentro de la Minería Navarra.
October 2019
This meeting, organized by the Agrupación Empresarial Minera Navarra (AEMINA), took place on October 2nd, in a round table with the theme “The basic mining industry for sustainable development that enhances the local economy”.
Manuel Martínez Pelayo (Director of Environmental Management and Innovation of CRS Ingeniería), has participated at the round table, under the title "European programs of incentive of R & D & I in the sustainability of the mining activity.
CRS Ingeniería has been awarded of the public tender that offered the Diputación Foral de Álava
September 2019
Diputación Foral de Álava has awarded CRS Ingeniería, the the construction project drafting works, for security, consolidation, conditioning for public and ecotourism use of Lucía Mine, in the municipality of Arraia-Maeztu.

CRS Ingeniería participates in the Confedem International Meeting "Mineral raw materials, moving towards the future".
June 2019
These conferences, organized by Confedem, on June 25th and 26th, 2019, were held at the Higher Technical School of Industrial Engineers of Madrid-UPM.
Manuel Martínez Pelayo (Director of Environmental Management and Innovation of CRS Ingeniería), has participated in the round table discussion under the title "Technology of the 21st century, other agents involved".

Stay of Mr. Moussa Bérété, Deputy Director General of the National Geology Directorate of the Republic of Guinea Conakry, at CRS Ingeniería
June 2019
Juan Léon Coullaut (CEO of CRS Ingeniería), Juan Ignacio Coullaut (Technical Director of CRS Ingeniería) and Eloy Carrillo (Technical of CRS Ingeniería), have accompanied Mr. Moussa Bérété, Deputy General Director of the National Direction of Geology of the Republic of Guinea-Conakry, to the IGME, where Isabel Suarez, Acting Director of IGME, Santiago Martín Alfageme, Chief of Staff and Roberto Martínez Orio from Mineral Resources Area, welcomed him.
Mr. Bérété has visited the IGME to share the experience of surveying and geochemical mapping, which has been developed by the counterpart BRGM together with CRS Ingeniería, in charge of technical assistance for the control and supervision of the campaign, in some areas of Guinea and for whose completion he is visiting our country and forming. Mr. Bérété showed interest in knowing the IGME and its areas of activity, as well as the PLANAGEO or PanAfGeo Project, showing his desire to cooperate in the near future in similar initiatives.
CRS Ingeniería was present at the conference "Industry, engine of economic and social development"
February 2019
On February 14th, a Conference was held at the School of Industrial Engineers of the University of Valladolid under the title "The industry, engine of economic and social development", organized by the National Confederation of Employers of the Mining and Metallurgy (CONFEDEM), where the round tables were held, the first on the Mining and Metallurgical Sector in Castilla y León and the second on Transparency as a key factor in CSR and Communication. Response to the Stakeholders, where Juan León Coullaut Sáenz de Sicilia, CEO of CRS Ingeniería participated.
CRS Ingeniería will participate in the I Fundamental Leapfrog Geo 4.3.1 Course
August 2018
Seequent and its Leapfrog software suite are pioneers in dynamic implicit modeling, breaking with industry statics, based on powerful 3D modeling tools and evaluation of all project information. "From complexity to clarity", to evaluate the best decision making and generate savings to the client. CRS Ingeniería is a pioneer company at national level in the implementation of implicit models through Leapfrog Geo 4.3.1. software, in continuous communication with the developers and with the expert in support service for Spain. This course will take place at the Official College of Geologists (ICOG) from 24th to 27th September.
Exploration Results Report (Burkina Faso)
July 2018
In July, it has been visited Burkina Faso to carry out the works for the draft of the Exploration Results Report, as established in the NI 43-101, of a Research Permit located in Burkina Faso.
CRS Ingeniería has started to work for the Fundo Rodoviario In Angola
July 2018
In July, Juan Ignacio Coullaut Santurtún, Technical Director at CRS Ingeniería, has visited Luanda and it has began the assessment works for the exploration and exploitation asphalt rock deposits and their subsequent use.

Iberian Board of Mining Engineers (IMEB) attended at the PERC Annual General Meeting 2018
May 2018
Last 9th May, PERC Annual General Meeting was held in Markfield (Leicester), at Aggregate Industries´s offices. There were fourteen attendees and two by call conference. The Iberian Board of Mining Engineers (IMEB) was represented by Manuel Martínez Pelayo, as an observer, who has also been named co-opted member of PERC.
CRS Ingeniería has obtained the conformity evaluation in the follow-up audit with adaptation to new standards
March 2018
AENOR has carried out the second follow-up audit with adaptation to the new standards UNE-EN ISO 14001: 2015 and UNE EN ISO 9001: 2015 of the Integrated Management System of CRS Ingeniería. The result has been the conformity evaluation.
CRS Ingeniería works for a project financed by the World Bank
January 2018
CRS Ingeniería has signed a contract with the Ministry of Mines and Geology, financed by the World Bank for the implementation of the Projet D'Appui for the Gouvernance in the Secteur Minier (PAGSEM) of the Republic of Guinea, to supervise the prospecting project regional geochemistry in fluvial sediments of three sheets from the center-south of Guinea. It has been already begun and two visits to the study area have been made.

Contract from EC – DG Environment on Study supporting the elaboration of guidance on best practices in the Extractive Waste Management Plans (EWMP)
January 2018
CRS Ingeniería is part of the group of European companies that will develop the contract from European Commission – DG Environment to perform the “Study supporting the elaboration of guidance on best practices in the Extractive Waste Management Plans (EWMP)” (ENV.B.3/ETU/2017/0022).
Eco-Efficiency (Greace) is the company awarded with the contract and CRS Ingeniería will collaborate as subcontractor along with WEFalck (France), Pöyry Finland Oy (Finland) and Botond Kertész (Hungary) to materialize the proyect.
The general objective of this study is to support the Commission in the elaboration of guidance on best practices in EWMPs and in its broader work aimed at improving the implementation of the Mining Waste Directive – MWD (Directive 2006/21/EC).
The aims for the project are:
to identify best practices which will reflect the scope of the document “Closing the loop – An EU action plan for the Circular Economy”, which describes the ‘circular economy’ as an economy where the value of products, materials and resources is maintained in the economy for as long as possible, and the generation of waste minimized. The draft guidance will be completed by 2018
support further the implementation of the MWD and specifically to develop a guidance on how best to develop an EWMP from the technical prospective (Article 5(2)(c) and Article 5 (3) of the EWD) by the middle of 2019
CRS Ingeniería will attend to the second edition of the Metallic Mining Hall (MMH) in Seville
October 2017
During the 17th, 18th and 19th of October, CRS Ingeniería will be present at the II Metallic Mining Hall, that will be held at FIBES in Seville, having a booth (nº 2113 ), to inform the clients of the engineering and consulting services we offer. The MMH is an Trade Show exclusively devoted to Metallic Mining , a sector that is experiencing a significant upturn and has become strategic in Europe, Spain and especially in Andalusia, key to the development and consolidation of this economic activity. In the edition of 2015, it counted on more than 10,000 visitors and presence of 114 exhibiting companies.
CRS Ingeniería will attend to the second edition of the Metallic Mining Hall (MMH) in Seville
October 2017
During the 17th, 18th and 19th of October, CRS Ingeniería will be present at the II Metallic Mining Hall, that will be held at FIBES in Seville, having a booth (nº 2113 ), to inform the clients of the engineering and consulting services we offer. The MMH is an Trade Show exclusively devoted to Metallic Mining , a sector that is experiencing a significant upturn and has become strategic in Europe, Spain and especially in Andalusia, key to the development and consolidation of this economic activity. In the edition of 2015, it counted on more than 10,000 visitors and presence of 114 exhibiting companies.
Spain and Portugal Geological Map presentation
May 2016
Last 19th May, 2016, it took place in Seville, a conference due to the presentation of the geological map of Spain and Portugal at 1: 1,000,000 scale. The great singularity of the new Geological Map, is that it includes for the first time, the geological information of the continental shelf Iberian and the Portuguese Atlantic islands of Azores and Madeira, gathering the vast information generated in more than 30 years of marine geological research, carried out by both countries. During the presentation, Juan Leon Coullaut, from CRS Ingeniería, talked about "The Geological mapping in Andalusia: past, present and future."

CRS Ingeniería has recently acquired ISATIS 2015.2
March 2016
CRS Ingenieria has recently acquired ISATIS 2015.2 in order to enhance detailed geostatistical studies in the following fields: Mining (resources and reserves assessment, exploration campaign planning, estimation of uncertainties, mine planning, production and conciliation); Environment (analysis and interpretation of the pollutants behavior, mapping of the contaminants migration, quantification of contaminated volumes, planning further investigations, estimation of uncertainty) and Geochemistry (data interpretation, correlation studies of different variables, comparison of sampling and analysis methodologies, integration of auxiliary variables, mapping elements throughout several media).Performing accurate results using geostatistics is possible by the application of a validation methodology of the results obtained at each stage of the project. Performing estimates, combined with an analysis of uncertainties, allows a controlled decision making at every step of the study and a better control of the financial risk of the project.

CRS Ingeniería has obtained the conformity evaluation in the follow-up audit 2015
February 2016
CRS Ingeniería has obtained the conformity evaluation after being audited by AENOR, during the Annual follow-up audit for Environmental Management and Quality Systems, UNE-EN ISO 14001:2004 and UNE EN ISO 9001:2008 respectively.

CRS Ingeniería in the magazine Rocas y Minerales.
January 2016
Rocas y Minerales, the official journal magazine in the Metallic Mining Hall (MMH) held in Seville from 3 to 5 November 2015, has published in its No. 527 of January 2016 a newsletter about all participants who had a booth in the MMH. CRS Ingenieria had a booth int he exhibition area, where many visitors inquired about the services we offer.

Junta de Andalucía definetely supports the application for the Investigaction Permit El Tintillo II to CRS Ingeniería.
December 2015
In the BOJA (Official Journal of the Government of Andalusia) published on December 28th, the Territorial Delegation of the ministries of Economy, Innovation, Science and Employment in Sevilla finally admitted the request promoted by CRS Ingeniería to execute an investigation in 12 mining grids of the municipalities of Aznalcóllar and El Castillo de las Guardas, according to the resolution signed on November 9th.

The judge filed the cause of the Aznalcollar mine by not appreciate prevarication crime.
November 2015
She understands that "the observed process has been right", and that can not be assessed to be committed a prevarication crime. With this assignment, the winning company can start the process relevant for the authorization of the research works contained in the offer and transfer the ownership of land and facilities related to such 'Aznalcóllar Zone'.

CRS Ingeniería´s presence at MMH
November 2015
The I International Metallic Mining Trade Show (MMH), held from 3rd to 5th November at the Seville Exhibition and Conference Centre (FIBES), closed its first edition with an influx of more than 10,000 visitors, 114 exhibiting companies, which it includes CRS Ingeniería, and 700 congressmen.
CRS Ingeniería had a booth in the exhibition area, where many visits inquired about the services we offer.
Representative technical team of CRS Ingeniería and SEMA are showed in the picture.
CRS Ingeniería will attend to the I International Metallic Mining Trade Show (MMH)
November 2015
From 3rd to 5th November, CRS Ingeniería will attend to the the I International Metallic Mining Trade show that will beheld at the Seville Exhibition and Conference Centre, where will set an exhibition stand, for reporting engineering and consulting services that we offer.
MMH is an International Trade Show on Metallic Mining, a sector that has seen significant growth in recent years. Indeed, it is playing a strategic role in Europe, Spain and, in particular, in Andalusia, a privileged space for the development and consolidation of this economic activity.This will be the first Congress in Spain focused exclusively on this activity and a reference event in the world calendar of events.

The turning point in Aznalcóllar
October 2015
Companies like CRS Ingeniería or Ayesa, have discredited the loser´s accusations.

BERKELEY Gets a favorable report to go ahead with the exploitation of Retortillo
July 2015
Berkeley´s uranium mine in Retortillo, continues the process after a favorable report from the Nuclear Safety Council to grant prior authorization, which confirms the suitability of the site and that it is a preliminary step for the construction permit. The technical team of CRS Ingeniería has participated in the project of exploitation and restoration plan

End of acquisition of 2D and 3D seismic works
June 2015
In the month of July it has been finished the acquisition of 2D and 3D seismic works, in the west area of Suria-Callús. CRS Ingeniería has carried out the external quality control and supervision of works

CRS Ingeniería, new member of CONFEDEM
March 2015
CRS Ingeniería recently, has become a member of the National Confederation of Employers of Mining and Metallurgy (CONFEDEM), it is a non-profit, confederate, autonomous and independent, for coordination of socio-economic activities of enterprises and mining, metallurgy and processing of mineral products in Spain entrepreneurs.

CRS Ingeniería participates in the International Competition for exploration and exploitation of mining complex Aznalcóllar.
February 2015
CRS Ingeniería has participated in the contest, developing the the Research Program, mining project, the Waste Management Plan and Dump Project, as an engineering company belonging to the Grupo Mexico-Minorbis consortium, which has been awarded the contract.
On the other hand, the General Director of Industry, Energy and Mines of the Junta de Andalucía, María José Asensio, chose the draft submitted by the consortium Grupo Mexico-Minorbis, for "the quality and credibility of the mining project, its quality mining technique, the adaptation of the exploitation project to the protected space and the environment; these two major issues have tip the balance toward Mexico-Minorbis, because although the other company that participates in the contest, Emerita, in quantitative terms was higher than the other, the quality of the exploitation project has been around, as there was a significant difference in favor of the contractor at that point. "

CRS Ingeniería has obtained the conformity evaluation in the follow-up audit 2014
January 2015
CRS Ingeniería after being audited by AENOR, during the Annual follow-up audit for Environmental Management and Quality Systems , UNE-EN ISO 14001: 2004 and UNE EN ISO 9001: 2008 respectively, and after finishing the assessment process, it has obtained the conformity evaluation.

Conference: groundwater and mining
28th and 29th May 2014
CRS Ingeniería has participated in the Conference: groundwater and mining, organized by the Geological Survey of Spain (IGME), Groundwater Club (CAS) and Water Specialist Group of the National Association of Mining Engineers (GEA-ANIM), that will be held on 28th and 29th May. Mr. Pedro Jiménez Marcos, Director of Geology and Exploration at CRS Ingeniería, has presented a lecture on Thursday 29th under the title "The water in the project of closure mines. Methodology and study cases ".
Juan-León Coullaut, Chairman of the Specialised Group on Mineral Resources and Reserves of the National Association of Mining Engineers.
December 2014
Juan-León Coullaut, CEO at CRS Ingeniería, has been elected on 19th December 2014, Chairman of the Specialised Group on Mineral Resources and Reserves (GERMM), belonging to the National Association of Mining Engineers. The GERMM aims are promoting, encouraging and disseminating knowledge and general interest in technical assessment of resources and reserves, appreciating and promoting scientific and technical contribution of a large group of engineers who have come, and keep coming, devoting their attention to these areas.

CRS Ingeniería opens an office in Peru
1st April 2014
CRS Ingeniería has opened an office in Peru, located in the district of Miraflores, where it will start to provide engineering and consultancy services for the mining sector in that country.

PERC Annual General Meeting in Dublin
29th March 2014
CRS Ingeniería attended to the Annual General Meeting, celebrated in Dublin, headed by Mr. Juan León Coullaut Sáenz de Sicilia, representative of the Senior Council of the College of Mine Engineering of Spain at PERC, Mr. Manuel Martínez Pelayo and Mr. Juan Ignacio Coullaut Santurtún.
PERC (Pan-European Reserves & Resources Reporting Committee) is the organization responsible for setting standards for public reporting of exploration results, mineral resources, and mineral reserves by companies listed on markets in Europe. It is a member of CRIRSCO, the Committee For Mineral Reserves International Reporting Standards.
PERC is established formally as a not-for-profit organisation ('asbl') registered in Brussels by its four founding professional organisations.: (Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (Iom3), the Geological Society of London (GSL), the European Federation of Geologists (EFG) and the Institute of Geologists of Ireland (IGI).

Best practice for Assessment and Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves
28th March 2014
Last friday 28th March, PERC offered a one-day training workshop in Dublin, Ireland, at the IGI office (Institute of Geologists of Ireland) called “Best practice for Assessment and Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves”, led by Ed Sides, member of PERC. The course was designed for those who are acting as Competent or Qualified Persons (CPs/QPs) with respect to Public Reports of Exploration Data, Mineral Resources or Mineral Reserves, and also for those who are working towards becoming CPs or QPs for such Reports. CRS Ingeniería had a presence in this course by Juan Ignacio Coullaut Santurtún, Project Manager and Mining Development and Manuel Martínez Pelayo, Director of Environmental Management and Innovation, they were the only Mining Engineers at this workshop.

Article publication in Mining Journal: "Spain: Going for growth"
13th December 2013
Juan Leon Coullaut, CEO at CRS Ingeniería has published an article in the journal Ming Journal of Spanish mining growth in recent years (Issue/Supplement MJ 13/12/13), under the tittle: "Spain: Going for growth"
In recent years, the mining industry has undergone major changes in Spain, more so than in other EU countries, conditioned by the intensity of the economic crisis, and the rise and subsequent maintenance in relatively high mineral commodity price levels. These two factors have influenced the different mining subsectors in distinct ways.
The mining sector in Spain now presents growth prospects in the metallic minerals and the industrial minerals subsectors, foreseeing the startup of new mining operations in the short term. These perspectives are conditioned by the evolution of global demand and, in a positive sense, by the Spanish economic crisis, high rates of unemployment should encourage support from the administration for industrial projects.

Presentations at the 13th International Congress of Energy and Mineral Resources
3rd-5th October 2013
Mr. Juan León Coullaut, CEO at CRS Ingeniería and Mr. Manuel Martinez, Director of Environmental Management and Innovation at CRS Ingeniería, during 13th International Congress of Energy and Mineral Resources held at Palacio de la Magdalena in Santander last 3, 4 and October 5, 2013, made presentations in the area of "Mining and explosives", specifically on "Prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits " (Exploration by 3D seismic and deep drilling of a sector of the Catalonian Potassium Basin; Geological modeling and evaluation of resources and reserves) and " Non-Metal Mining" (New computer technologies for the optimization of the operation at Monte Murguía quarry).
Mr. Juan Ignacio Coullaut, Project Manager and Mining Development and Mr. Pedro Jiménez, Director of Geology and Exploration Engineering, both belonging to CRS Ingeniería, were also involved in writing of some articles: "Innovative methods of exploitation at Apario quarry (Vizcaya)" and "Underground transport on gravity in aggregates exploitations”.