CRS Ingeniería has a multilingual technical team made up of twelve highly qualified professionals: 5 mining engineers, 3 geologists, 1 forest engineer, 1 geologist engineer and 1 expert in marketing.
Juan León Coullaut Sáenz de Sicilia

Major shareholder and CEO at CRS Ingeniería. Mine Engineering Degree from the Higher Technical School of Mining in Madrid (1969). Throughout his professional career he has worked in private engineering companies, and since 1979 has been responsible for the project management and execution of mining, geophysics, hydrogeology, environmental and land use projects for both public and private organizations. He has worked in Spain, Guinea-Conakry, the Dominican Republic, Argentina, Tunisia, the United States and Colombia. From 1991 to 2011 he has been Associate Professor in the Department of Geological Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Madrid. From 2012 he is "Ad Honorem" Professor at the Polytechnic University of Madrid. Representative of the Council of the College of Mining Engineers of Madrid in the PERC (Pan-European Reserves & Resources Reporting Committee).
Juan Ignacio Coullaut Santurtún

Project Director and Mining Development at CRS Ingeniería. Mining Engineer. Degree, Specialized in tillage of mines and explosives from the Higher Technical School of Mining in Madrid (2003), Technician in Occupational Risk Prevention (specialty: Safety at Work) (2009). Nine years of experience in projects of open pit and interior, feasibility studies and mine planning.
Antonio López Recio

Mining engineer, University degree in Administration and Business Management. PhD in strategic hydrocarbon storage infrastructures.
He has developed his professional career in the energy sector (oil &gas, conventional and renewable), water treatment, special infrastructure and mining in the different phases of projects (development, financing, permitting, engineering, procurement, construction, commissioning and O&M). In oil &gas has been involved as production director, purchasing director, project manager and general manager in various projects of oli&gas upstream, midstream and downstream: LNG Terminals (Algeria, Trinidad and Tobago, Canada, Spain, ...); Refineries (Ecuador, Colombia, Mexico, Spain); Underground oil &gas storage (UK, Spain); Exploration and explotation of oil fields (Ecuador, Colombia, Algeria, Argentina, Mexico, ) and oil &gas pipelines infrastructures.
Luis Ignacio de Fuente Juárez

Mine engineer. Specialty in working mines and explosives. E.T.S. Mining Engineers of Madrid. (2017). Expert in geotechnical modeling.

Enrique Herreros Ferreres
Degree in Geology from the University of Salamanca (2015). Master in Geology and Environmental Management of Natural Resources from the International University of Andalucia (2016).

Antoine Marie Christian Hudault
Pedro Jiménez Marcos

Director of Geology and Exploration Resources at CRS Ingeniería. Degree in Geological Sciences, specialty at Stratigraphy and Paleontology, University of the Basque Country (1993). Twenty years of research experience in mining exploration, geotechnical, geology, hydrogeology and geological mining in different fields.
Manuel Martínez Pelayo

Director of Environmental Management and Innovation at CRS Ingeniería. Mining Engineer Degree Specialization in Geology and Geophysics. from the Higher Technical School of Mining in Madrid (2003). Nine years of experience in environmental assessment and risk analysis, open pit and underground mining, geotechnical studies and models and virtual models.
Maria José Claramonte González

Marketing and Sales Degree at Business & Marketing School (ESIC, 2002). Administration Department at CRS Ingeniería.
Inés Molero Sánchez

Forest Engineer. E.T.S. Forestry Engineers (2006). Specialist in restoration of degraded sites, and plans for the restoration of mining, both open pit and underground, including mapping in CAD and modeling 3D.
Antonio Terrón García

Degree in Geological Sciences from the University of Zaragoza (1995). Basic level technician in Occupational Risk Prevention. It has more than twenty years of experience in mining exploration of metallic and industrial elements.
Francisco Javier López Baños

Degree in Geology at University of Salamanca (2017). Master in Geology and Environmental Management of Mineral Resources (2018).
Geologist Engineer. National School of Geology. Nancy. 2009
Master´s Degree in Geoscience and mineral resources. Henri Poincaré University – CREGU-G2R Laboratory. 2009.