CRS Ingeniería has implemented an Integrated Management System since 2012, through which it has been developing an environmental policy committed to respect, conservation and protection of the environment, which is presented in detail below.
Environmental policy
CRS Ingeniería aims to provide its clients with an efficient and independent engineering, consulting and project management service in the fields related to the environment, mining, geology and natural resources. For this, it applies the most appropriate methods and technologies within a framework of quality assurance, in conditions of reliability, safety and respect for the environment. With this commitment, CRS Ingeniería is positioned as an active entity in the field of R + D + i, through its involvement in public initiative projects aimed at developing Spanish engineering.
In line with its environmental objective, the Management of CRS Ingeniería has defined the protection of the Environment and the continuous improvement of processes as important factors to integrate into its corporate strategy, applicable to all its activities and within its organizational scope.
Likewise, CRS Ingeniería collaborates actively with the Spanish university system, through agreements that allow students in recent years to complete their technical training, through the completion of residency practices in the company, as a result of the informative vocation of your managerial staff
In this sense, CRS Ingeniería has an Integrated Management System that allows applying a Policy based on the following points:
Commitment to comply with the applicable legislation on environmental protection and other requirements that the organization subscribes.
Guarantee the commitment and responsibility derived from the objectives through compliance with the UNE - EN ISO 14001: 2015 and UNE-EN ISO 9001: 2015 standards.
Create an environment where highly qualified people are attracted to work and remain in our workforce.
Encourage the continuous training of CRS Ingeniería staff
Identify and contemplate the repercussions and environmental effects of the studies and projects carried out by CRS Ingeniería and in the planning of new projects.
Identification of processes and establishment of indicators to measure effectiveness with their monitoring.
Consider the environmental component in the acquisition of technical equipment and in the contracting of services.
Establish a process of continuous improvement and a commitment to protect the environment in the Integrated Management System.
Participate in Research and Development projects of technologies and studies related to the Environment.
Involve our subcontractors in the proper management of the environmental aspects that originate our facilities, so that they are governed by this Policy in their daily work.
To seek to avoid environmental incidents (through our work management action and by our subcontractors) and to use effective emergency response procedures to minimize the impact of any potential incident.
This policy is disseminated by management to the entire Organization through the use of appropriate means of dissemination (verbal communications, bulletin boards, intranet, etc.), with the aim of being understood and assumed by all staff and made available from other interested parties.
In addition, it is distributed to subcontractors and is available at the facilities for the public or users of our services, as well as disseminated on the organization's website.
The environmental and quality management systems are certified by the Spanish Association for Standardization (AENOR), with the number GA-2013/0102 and ER-0240/2013 respectively.
Legal requirements
CRS Ingeniería is in charge of periodically updating its database of legal requirements, evidencing its compliance and reviewing all the requirements established for its activity as a consultancy; In addition, whenever necessary, it will add new requirements that may have been subscribed at a particular level with certain clients.
Suppliers (information for suppliers)
In the monitoring and control exercise of the CRS Ingeniería Integrated Management System, an evaluation of the suppliers will be carried out anually, which will mainly assess the service provided by them and, in relation to it, any possible incidents that may have occurred. occur during the provision of said services (and which will be worked on).
Environmental and quality objectives
To comply with the subscribed policy, CRS Ingeniería has established the following Quality and Environmental Management Program for 2023, in which 2 objectives are defined, aligned with those proposed in 2022:
Strengthen the human resources already available in the company, through training that helps to acquire or improve knowledge in the different profiles that exist in the company.
Obtain and register the carbon footprint in MITECO.
The fulfillment of that objectives will be analyzed in the external monitoring audit, which will be carried out this year 2023.
Among the environmental aspects defined in CRS Ingeniería, and part of the objectives set during this audit period, it has been established indicators that have behaved in accordance with the expectations set:
Achievement of scheduled milestones
Customer satisfaction rate
Rate of resolved / identified problems
% of of awarded projects
Non-conformity rate with suppliers
Paper consumption per project
Electricity consumption per employee
% of workers who receive training in the company
Generation of managed paper waste per project
Proposals for environmental improvement in projects
Significant environmental aspects
An environmental aspect is any element of the organization's activity or services that interacts or can interact with the environment. Each environmental aspect can cause one or more environmental impacts. When one or more of these environmental impacts become significant, that environmental aspect is considered in the same way.
During the year 2023, CRS Ingeniería detected 3 significant environmental aspects:
Reduction in electric power consumption.
Reduction in consumption of field material.
Reduction in water comsumption.
Followed it is shown how the graphic evolution of the main environmental aspects associated with the activity of CRS Ingeniería ´s office has been.